Friday, July 17, 2020

Indonesian Bullwhip

Whip playing actually it is not something new. Its been played for thousand years since the Biggest   Empire Majapahit ( Wilwatikta in Sanskrit ) almost end. Its started by one of their Knight and known as a Whip Knight. His whip made from cow leather strand ( called as a Janget ) and continued by his students for quite long enough.

By century, the meaning is change and become a tradition and only used for performance at some area. Not only the used but also the way to make it.

Until now, its shown at some area as a performance or tradition.

A degradation of once national treasure because not many people as a whip maker and whip performance.

Even though some area still keep play when its needed on some event or ritual.

In Western world, its kept using as a Trademark of Cowboy until today and some advance of using it as job, creativity and  performance .

Appreciated !!!

The new knowledge since start making whip is there is a competition and yearly convention. Its interesting very much and become a challenge for every whip maker and performance.

Above all problem everywhere, what is the meaning of playing whip for you and for us ?

Want you to know ?

Lets see some photo below and tell me can you find the meaning of it.

Java :

Bali :

This is the ancient whip dance ( Tari Purba ) at Trunyan Village. The Original Balinese that live in the ancient village with some old tradition.

Beside above, there is a whip story about Knight Whip that receipt a blessing to build the New Territory lately its called Badung Kingdom that lead by 2 castle and one of them is called "Pemecutan"   . Balinese language for Whip.

Manggarai :
There is a Caci Festival . The Festive where whip fighter shows their ability.

Whip World